Looking Forward
What are you looking forward to these days? Perhaps it is the arrival of Spring – the sight of the pink and white dogwood blossoms, the sound of a bat hitting a baseball, the smell of freshly cut grass, the taste of fresh strawberries.
Here are a few things I’m looking forward to:
EQUIP: February 22 at Pickerington Nazarene (PickNaz). Dan Meek, (SCO NDI Director) and his team are preparing a significant resourcing opportunity for pastors and lay leaders.
SCO District Conventions: April 12, at Circleville Heritage. Carol Lee Carpenter (NMI) and Christina McCully (NYI) and their councils, are planning for a great day of mission and youth updates, and inspiration.
SCO District Assembly: April 27-28, 2025, at Grove City (The Naz). We’re excited to welcome Dr. Fili Chambo, our Jurisdictional General Superintendent, back to South Central Ohio. This year, you’ll notice the district assembly dates are different from previous years. A couple of years ago, the district requested new dates to avoid conflicting with the MVNU Commencement weekend. The Ordination Service will take place on Sunday evening at 6:00, with District Assembly held on Monday morning and afternoon.
SCO Camp Meeting: We will “Head to the Hills” June 6-13. Dr. J. K. Warrick and I will alternate preaching each evening. We’ll look forward to gathering at the beautiful Hocking Hills Retreat Center.
Ministry Team Retreat: October 3-5, at the Carlisle Inn in Amish Country.
We have much to look forward to in the coming months!
Eddie Estep
SCO District Superintendent