

We are a family of 68 unique congregations located in an area stretching from the state capital of Columbus on the northern edge of the district, to the cities of Portsmouth and Marietta along the Ohio River in the southern part of the state.

The mission of the International Church of the Nazarene is also our mission: To Make Christ-Like Disciples in the Nations. Our purpose is to equip pastors and churches on our district to effectively spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We trust that the information you gather from reading these pages will both inspire and encourage you to take advantage of our resources and useful links.


District Newsletter 8/27/2024

Dear Friends: Greetings from Kansas City, where Diane and I are endeavoring to end strong even while our hearts are turning toward South-Central Ohio. We are looking forward to arriving in Columbus on Monday, September 30.  Coincidentally, the DSAC (District Superintendent’s Advisory Council for the USA/Canada) has meetings planned at Easton on September 31 – October 2 that we are participating in, then we look forward to joining you for the Pastor and Spouse Retreat on October4-6 at the Easton Town Center Hilton. I know there are a lot of changes happening this year – new location, new DS, new…


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In Nazarene Youth International (NYI), we focus on three core strategies of evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development. More commonly, we refer to these as "Be, Do, and Go." These three strategies are at the very core of who we are. They are our message and mission.


The mission of South Central Ohio Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) is to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to our children, youth, and adults in preparation for a lifelong journey of being and making Christlike disciples in our cities, counties, state and world.


Nazarene Missions International (NMI) is the global missions advocate in every local church nurturing a spirit of missions and mobilizing into action through praying, discipling, educating and giving.


When it feels like the world is pulling you in a million different directions, remember that you're standing on the Rock of Ages — and we're standing by your side.

The South Central Ohio District Church of the Nazarene is more than an organization or even a friendly collaboration among churches. It's a vibrant community of faith whose members rejoice together and mourn together; who walk through various seasons of life and ministry together; who grow and learn alongside one another in anticipation of one day crossing the finish line and hearing those precious words:
"Well done, good and faithful servant!"

No matter where you are in your ministry, SCO Church of the Nazarene brings perspectives from decades' worth of ministry in every setting imaginable — urban, suburban and rural; from fledgling churches to established congregations representing a diverse cross-section of ages and backgrounds — headquartered in the heart of central Ohio, where Midwest hospitality still reigns supreme.

Want to know more? You've come to the right place.



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