SCO District Newsletter 12-17-24

New Start Congregation Registered!

There is a question I’ve been asked often. Just a couple days ago I heard it again.  This time it was a pastor’s spouse posing the question, during a dinner with a dozen pastors and their spouses.  The question: “What is your vision for the South-Central Ohio District?”  The response came quickly: That we start churches, strengthen churches, and develop leaders.

Before I ever arrived, plans had been laid by prior leadership regarding each of these priorities. Today’s announcement is not due to my work, but to the work of several other individuals, over several months.

The newest congregation on the South-Central Ohio District has been officially registered! Iglesia del Nazareno Casa de Paz (Pastor Patricia Gómez Cervantes)—a Parent Affiliated Congregation (PAC) of La Primera Iglesia del Nazareno Ven y Ve (Pastor Carmen Aida Garcia)—was launched on September 15, 2024, and meets at 640 Demorest Rd., Columbus, OH.

Casa de Paz is a Spanish-speaking congregation that has come into existence due to the dedication of pastor Patricia Cervantes, the vision of sponsoring Pastor Carmen Garcia, the work of our District Multicultural Leadership Team (Pastor Edward Solano, Pastor Mark Ledford, Pastor Jeremy Stanley), and the encouragement of New Works Director, Pastor Josh Porterfield. We welcome this new congregation and pray God’s blessing upon their ministry and mission.

Eddie Estep

SCO District Superintendent

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