We’re Here to Serve You Well
The SCO District Advisory Board (DAB) has approved the following restructuring of our office support staff. The goal is to provide efficient and responsive service to the pastors and churches of the South Central Ohio District.
Effective November 1, Christy Robison began to serve the district as Director of Communication, in a part-time (10 hours a week) capacity. Christy will work remotely, serving as the person responsible for district-wide communication, keeping the district informed of pertinent news items and upcoming events, primarily through the bi-weekly district newsletter and social media. Christy will also maintain the district calendar and the monthly Prayer and Praise reports from pastors and assist the DS in planning and promoting Leadership Development events. Christy can be reached at crobison@sconaz.org; 614-595-1146.
Effective November 1, in addition to serving as District Secretary, Kevin Angel began to serve the district as District Administrator, in a part-time (2 days a week) capacity. Kevin will work in a hybrid capacity but will often be at the district office on Mondays and Wednesdays. In addition to his role as district secretary, Kevin’s responsibilities will include serving as secretary of the Credentials Board and District Nominating Committee, leading the annual Assessment Weekend, serving as a resource to the DAB, and as chair of the Properties Committee. Kevin can be reached at districtsecretary@sconaz.org; 330-541-6219.
Effective October 1, Diane Estep began to serve the district as Executive Assistant, in a part-time (three days a week, hybrid – remote and office) capacity. Diane will be responsible to provide general administrative and executive-level support to the superintendent and give oversight and assistance to the functions of the district office. Her responsibilities will include filing, transcription, event planning, DS correspondence and reports, developing appropriate data management systems, producing materials for Church/Pastoral Relationship Reviews and Pastoral Call processes, and responding to district phone calls and e-mails. Diane can be reached at destep@sconaz.org.
Tom Finks continues to serve as District Treasurer. He typically works from the district office on Tuesdays, and on other days can be reached at scodtreas@gmail.com; 740-272-0486.
Eddie Estep, District Superintendent, will typically be in the office one or two days a week, and will be traveling the district and working remotely on other days. I can be reached at eddieestep@sconaz.org; 803.381.3848.
We are grateful for each of these gifted individuals, and the valuable ministry they provide the South Central Ohio District.
Aiming To Serve You Well,
Eddie Estep
District Superintendent