Share your talents and use them for the Kingdom
What is BLAST?
BLAST (Building Leaders And Sharing Talents) is an event through which talents and leadership skills of youth are developed, encouraged, and used for Jesus Christ. Throughout the New Testament, we find evidence that special abilities are given to each believer through the grace of God to serve the body of Christ and reach out to unbelievers. These gifts and talents are to be cultivated and used to build God’s kingdom. Every year, churches, teams, families, and pastors across our East Central NYI Field meet on the campus of Mount Vernon Nazarene University, to share, learn, compete, and fellowship with one another. Amongst the festivities, Chris Holcomb will be speaking at each evening gathering with Matt Brock leading us in worship. BLAST will begin on Wednesday, June 5th, and conclude on Saturday, June 8th.
Field BLAST Registration
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