Greetings from sultry Kansas City! I’ve begun my new role with Global NDI, but I wanted to continue to communicate with you as your interim DS. I can’t tell you how excited I am for Dr. Eddie and Diane Estep to be your new DS! You are literally getting the best in the business! Dr. Eddie is the trainer for all new DS’s in the United States and Canada.
Every time I am with Dr. Eddie, I learn something — be it a meeting, over a meal, a training, or a worship service. Always have something ready to jot down notes when he is leading. (You’ll thank me later for that tip). If you ever asked me a question and I replied with, “Let me check on that and get back to you,” I did two things. First, I read the Manual. Second, I texted Dr. Estep. SCO, congrats! As of October, no more middleman!
Between now and then, I will continue to do all I can to help SCO function smoothly. Currently, all of our churches are filled, praise the Lord! I have some pastoral reviews scheduled and I continue to receive calls, emails, and texts. I may be slowed a bit in my reply, but I’ll get back to you. I want to be careful to provide good direction, but not set any new agendas. Dr. Eddie will do that and when he does, jump on board! SCO is one of our strongest districts and new leadership will only strengthen that.
Jill and I want to thank you for the kind words, lovely cards, and gifts you all shared with us at the Camp Meeting Farewell. We eventually made it to the shelter and had a lot of warm conversations with you. Your kindness was especially sweet given that the Lord only gave us two years to serve together. Thank you for making the last two years two of the most enjoyable we have ever known.
Keep up the good work in your churches. Zero Zeroes is one of the many concepts I “borrowed” from Dr. Estep. I’m already seeing you working hard on that one. Well done.
As you spend time with Jesus, please pray for the SCO staff and DAB. They are working hard and doing a great job. If you have any prayer time left, please remember Jill and me as we are only beginning a very overwhelming learning curve.
Yours for the Cause of Discipleship,