Nazarene Youth International
Candidate Bios
NYI President (1 year term; Yes/No ballot)

Christina McCully: Hello! My name is Christina McCully and I serve as the Family Life Pastor at Newark Church of the Nazarene. I have been in youth ministry for over 16 years. I have always loved being a part of the NYI and started serving on the District NYI Council when I was in High School. I met my husband, Curtis McCully, while we were both students at Southern Nazarene University. We have been married for 16 years and now have two children: Camille (11) and Charles (7). I enjoy spending time with my family whether it's eating dinner together, watching movies, playing board games, going to the zoo, or trying to beat escape rooms.
NYI Vice President (1 year term, Vote for 1)

Caleb Dexter: My name is Caleb Dexter and I currently serve as the Youth Pastor at Marietta First Church of the Nazarene. I have been faithfully serving here for just over two and a half years and couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I grew up attending PickNaz, received my undergrad from Mount Vernon Nazarene University, and am currently working towards my MDiv through Northwest Nazarene University. What I love most about NYI is the chance to witness God using our teens as vessels to spread his goodness into their families and community. One big hobby of mine is that I love to golf; living in Ohio makes that difficult during the winter months but I take advantage of every opportunity that I get. I appreciate being nominated for District NYI Vice President and would be honored to serve on the district team.

Jimmy High: Hi, my name is Jimmy High and I'm the current Youth Pastor for the Northwest Church of the Nazarene. I've been an active part of the NYI in many different capacities throughout my 17 years in ministry. Whether that be as a youth pastor, executive pastor, or as a lead pastor, my heart has always been with the youth! While I call the south Chicago area my original home, my journey has taken me all over the USA and Canada, with times spent serving in Florida, Nebraska, Illinois, California, British Columbia, and now here in Ohio. Youth and family ministry has always been a large part of my focus and passion, but I have a very specific love for the District NYI, as I believe that it is in the context of the larger district that our youth get to stretch out beyond their normal walls and see how big of a family and support they really have! The NYI was a very big part of my own development, and the connections I made as a teen are with me even now. I've always believed that one of the things that makes the Church of the Nazarene special and distinct is it's relationship with the other churches on their district, and the youth are definitely better off because of it! Outside of ministry, I am married to another amazing pastor (Gennifer) and have 4 children, with 3 of them in the NYI right now. My hobbies include gaming (yes, Fortnite too), and my love for the Star Wars universe has led me to Cosplay (making costumes).

Joe Witosky: Hi! I'm Joe. I live in New Albany, OH. where I serve at Grace Life Nazarene Church as the Youth & Young Adult Pastor. My job provides me with multiple opportunities to study, exegete, and preach the Word on a weekly basis, along with allowing me plenty of space to build connections with church members of all age levels. I absolutely love the passion and energy that surrounds NYI, and the many opportunities it provides for students to hear the Gospel, experience the love of Christ, and enjoy the fellowship of the Body in exciting and rich ways. For fun, I enjoy reading, hiking, paddle boarding, photography, playing with my dog, and exercising!

Ryan Etterling: My name is Ryan Etterling. I currently serve as the full time Youth Pastor at Cornerstone Nazarene in Wheelersburg, Ohio. I am about to complete my 16th year on staff as Youth Pastor. I have been involved in many ministries through out that time such as small groups, men's softball, and worship ministry. One of the top things that I love about NYI, specifically South Central NYI, is how integrated the differing youth groups are. SCO has done an amazing job the years of creating opportunities for students to from all walks of life come together to create lasting relationships with each other, and never neglecting the opportunity to cultivate and grow the students spiritual relationships as well. Some of my kids best spiritually experience have come through camps, retreats, and other activities provided by the SCO district! I have many hobbies. One of my favorites is Music. I love playing, worshiping, and mentoring other musicians. I play about a number of instrument, but the drums will always be my number 1 choice! I also live all sports, but baseball is at the top of the list. I have coached high school baseball for the last 10 years and have not missed a season of playing baseball or men's slow-pitch softball since I was 12 years old. It's my all-time favorite thing to do.
NYI College/Career Reps (1 year term, Vote for 2)

Brooklynn Ballenger: I am a senior at MVNU studying ministry. I am from Newark, Ohio and have served at a few other churches around the district. I think that NYI is so important because it helps to plan the important district events. These are significant because they allow connections across all churches and allow students to make lasting connections with God and other teens. Besides interning at churches, I enjoy reading, going on walks, and hanging out with friends. I am an RA with freshman on campus and love to serve in this capacity.

Cody Feisel: My name is Cody Feisel, I am from Lancaster and have lived here since I was six. In January 2023 I started working at Hope Community Church.
At my church, I serve as the Pastor to Teens & Families, coordinating and teaching at the youth ministry gatherings on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.
I love NYI because it allows churches to partner together in the mission to bring the Gospel to students. It also provides the space that middle and high schoolers need to become their authentic selves and establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For fun, I coach cross country and track, read, sing, play ultimate frisbee, and play video games.

Jenna Tripp: My name is Jenna Tripp and my dad is the children’s pastor at Heritage Nazarene in Circleville, Ohio. We have been at the Naz for around 15 years. I am a freshman in college at Ohio Christian University, there I commute and play basketball. I am studying sports business management where I can one day become a college basketball coach and help kids grow in the game of basketball and grow in their faith with Jesus. I have served every Sunday since I was in 7th grade with a small group of girls who are now in the 5th grade. I love NYI and I love the Nazarene church. Those two things have been so vital in my relationship with Jesus.

Sophie Hale: I’m from Ironton First Church of the Nazarene and a freshman at MVNU where I am studying Youth and Family Ministry. At my church, when I’m home, I help with children’s church , Sunday school classes and also in the nursery. I’ve been on the council since middle school and have always loved it. Being able to be apart of church camps and retreats as a student and now being able to help with retreats and camps as an adult has been a privilege that I’m so grateful for. I love to read, play guitar, and spend time with my friends!

Zoe Bricker-Middaugh: My name is Zoe Bricker-Middaugh! I am from Pataskala Church of The Nazarene and I serve in a multitude of ways but I absolutely love getting to lead the youth and kids ministry alongside my husband. I love that NYI focuses on youth. You are the church of today and the church of the future. For fun I love to play music, video games, pickleball and hang out with my cats Chubbs and Winston.
NYI Sr High Reps (1 year term, Vote for 2)

Emma Ballenger: I’m Emma Ballenger! I’m a junior at Newark High School and attend Newark Naz. I’ve been serving in the children’s ministry since I was in 4th grade and am on worship team for my youth group. I’m a competitive dancer and love spending time with my friends. NYI has brought me so many opportunities to expand my faith and meet so many amazing people. I love being apart of a team that lets youth have experiences to come closer to God and make friendships that are from all over Ohio. I’ve been on NYI council for three years and I really hope I can be apart of it again!

Emma G. Hetzler: Hi! I'm Emma Hetzler, I am currently a sophomore at Fairfield Christian Academy, and I would love to be a senior representative on the NYI council. I have lived in Pickerington, Ohio all my life, and have attended Pickerington Church of the Nazarene for about 13 years. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 6 and I was baptized at our church when I was 12 years old. Since I was baptized, I can confidently say that I have never been the same. I feel led into ministry and Christian leadership, and I plan to take membership classes in March to become an official member of our church. I love to serve my church by being an active member in my church's youth group. I have been a part of our youth group since I was in 7th grade and I have started to serve as a leader on our youth group by doing announcements and games. I have also attended many youth events such as Winter Retreat, Blast, SonFest, and NYC. I also sing on our church's youth praise band. On Sundays, I like to help out with our tech and I do the slides for the worship team. I am also looking into becoming a member of our church's praise band on Sunday mornings. Also, I help out with kids Bible quizzing when I can as well as many other activities in the church. I served as the junior representative on the NYI council for 2 years and I absolutely loved being able to serve. I love that NYI gives students a chance to be a witness to those around them and a chance to encourage those around them to lead others to Christ. It is so nice to be able to be given leadership opportunities at my age. I am so grateful that God has allowed me to have this nomination. I also love how the NYI council is able to work together and serve God even though we all come from different Nazarene churches. It's just really cool how God brings all of us together! At school, I play on our school's golf team and I help organize bake sales as the Sophomore Student Council President. I am also a member of the praise band for our school where we lead worship on chapel days. I also help out with other events at school like science fair mentoring and tutoring. I enjoy writing, doing math, riding bikes, watching fun movies with family, and reading my Bible.

Hannah Simoes: I was born in West Virginia and raised in Boston Massachusetts. I currently serve as the head of the video broadcasting system and the missions council. What I love about NYI is the opportunity to meet other Nazarene teens! For fun I love to do dance and cheerleading and anything artsy.

Sawyer Sininger: I am Sawyer Sininger, a junior at Wheelersburg high school. I am an active member in the youth group of Cornerstone. I am a table leader for youth alpha. I love meeting new people at the NYI church camps and connecting with them all! A few things that I do for fun is play football and hang out with all my friends.
NYI Jr High Reps (1 year term, Vote for 2)

Bentlee Dowdy: Hi, I’m Bentlee Dowdy, a thirteen year old from Cornerstone Nazarene in Wheelersburg, Ohio. Our church is one like no other, with a youth group that is fantastic and makes us feel like family. I attend every Sunday morning and evening and every Wednesday night. Without a doubt, I prioritize my week to be able to get to church above all other activities. The only disruption to my commitment to my relationship with Jesus is an occasional Club Volleyball tournament. Along with track in the spring, volleyball is my passion outside of my spiritual life, but during these activities I try to be a disciple to the young people I participate with and impact them in a positive way. NYI has given me so many new friends and mentors that I will forever be grateful for. I love it so much because the program creates opportunities for teens and young adults to feel empowered to let their guards down to praise our Lord freely. I would love the opportunity to act for our church as the Junior High Representative!

Clara Litman: My name is Clara, and I am from Grove City. I serve in my church as a small group leader for elementary kids during Sunday morning children's church. I have been a Bible Quizzer since first grade. Last year, I participated in our Field Quiz as part of our district team, and this summer I will attend Q at Point Loma. I have also attended BLAST. NYI gives me opportunities to meet other Christian kids from outside my local church and to participate in activities we enjoy together. Some other interests I have are playing basketball and solving Rubik's cubes. I especially like competing in speed cubing events!

Lincoln Etterling: My name is Lincoln Etterling. I am 14 years old and am an active member of the Uprising Youth Ministries at Cornerstone Nazarene in Wheelersburg, Ohio. As my dad is the Youth Pastor for the Uprising, I have been involved in the youth group for as long as I can remember. But as I have gotten a little bit older, and watching my older brother graduate from the youth group, I now have a deeper understanding of why we have a youth group. Youth group has become two of my favorite nights of the week. Some of my hobbies include painting, soccer and basketball. Really, I just like to do anything active!

Nevaeh Diener: Hi, I’m an 8th grade student from Newark, Ohio. I attend Newark Naz and serve in kids ministry. I love getting together with other kids in the district and meeting new people during teen camp, Winter Retreat, and MSO. For fun, I like to go shopping and hang out with friends.

Samuel Maddux: I’m from the Pickerington area. I serve in my home church by helping out with Kids Church in the morning. I also help out with camera on Sunday morning during service. Every once in a while, I’ll sing with my mom and dad for Worship. The main things I love about youth is the people. I love seeing my friends and being able to learn more about God with them. Youth Group is always so much fun to participate in, because not only are we learning about God, we’re also getting to have fun. For fun, I I love singing and Drumming. Drumming has been my favorite thing to do for years. I also love sports. My favorite sports are Soccer and Basketball. They always allow me to enjoy myself and have some fun. Being able to represent mg district would be awesome. Love you guys!